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Indemnity Agreement
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This document remains the property of Celestial Industries Pty ltd for its own personal & business use.
Legal documents by R.P Emery & Associates Updates:
FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned jointly and severally agree to indemnify and save harmless, (Indemnities) from any claim, action, liability or suit, arising from the following: (Describe)

In the event of any asserted claim, the Indemnities shall provide the undersigned timely notice of same, and thereafter the undersigned shall at its own expense defend and protect Indemnities against said clients.

In the further event the undersigned shall fail to so defend, then in such instance the Indemnities shall have full rights to defend, pay or settle said claim with full rights of recourse against the undersigned for all fees, costs, expenses and payments made or agreed to be paid to discharge said claim.

This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors, assigns and personal representatives.

Signature of seller __________________________________

Name of seller

Signed this day of in the year of

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